Find the Perfect Property for Your New Treehouse!

World Treehouses will connect you with our partner realty group, seasoned licensed realtors who are experts in helping you buy land in the Asheville and western NC region. And they are becoming experts in hand-selecting just the right property for your treehouse!

Finding land in western North Carolina can be a challenge. Finding land with the right healthy hardwood trees, perfect for your new treehouse is a skill, indeed! Our realtor partners have been trained by our building team to seek out and pinpoint just the right properties in the best locations. They can support you in your land search, so that your treehouse can be built sooner, and you can settle in and enjoy it with your family and friends.

Become the proud owners of one of our custom retreats in the trees today…with the help of qualified land-purchase experts!

How do you connect with this expert realtor team? Simply click the button below to tell us about your treehouse dream project, and include in the comments that you’re looking for land and want some help in your search.

World Treehouses of Asheville, NC’s skilled team can build you a hand-crafted luxury treehouse or other tree project for living, gathering, playing, meditating, and connecting with nature. Our projects are true, unique and custom tree-attached treehouses, which offer their inhabitants an experience like no other. If you’d like to discuss a treehouse project on your land, contact us or click the button below. Or subscribe to our newsletter to inspire your treehouse dreaming.